What your biscuit says about you

The glorious Iced Vovo.

The glorious Iced Vovo. Source: Supplied

ARE you the carefree sort or a loyal friend? A fun lover or a secretive snob?

There’s been a long-running debate in the news.com.au office about whether you can tell a person’s personality based on the biscuit they love most. You in the corner, talking non-stop as you pluck an Iced Vovo out of the tin? We’re so judging you.

So, to settle the matter once and for all, we enlisted the help of biscuit company, Arnott’s. We put it to them: Can you tell a person’s personality by their choice in biscuit? The short answer is, Yes!

Using internal data and consumer studies, as well as external data from AC Nielson, Arnott’s Consumer Insights team have helped us pull together this definitive guide to What Your Biscuit Says About You. Be prepared to be very surprised...

1. TIM TAM (1964)
The biscuit is: Three irresistible layers of biscuit and chocolate cream filling encased in unique Tim Tam chocolate.

The biscuit says: You’re a carefree indulger. Tim Tam lovers are predominantly (but not restricted to) women, who know what they want and appreciate that the simplest moments in life often have the most worth. Tim Tam eaters are fiercely loyal and well-travelled, often boarding planes with suitcases packed with bikkies to spread the love in faraway nations.

The Tim Tam eater: carefree, loyal, appreciative of life and well travelled

The Tim Tam eater: carefree, loyal, appreciative of life and well travelled Source: Supplied

2. ICED VOVO (1906)
The biscuit is: A wheat flour biscuit with a raspberry jam and fondant topping sprinkled with coconut.

The biscuit says: The Mighty VoVo! Like the biscuit itself VoVo lovers are unique and creative with an attention to detail. The most loyal consumer of any biscuit, VoVo lovers have been eating them since they were young (predominantly) girls, when they were a special treat. The fondant, jam and coconut mix make the VoVo one of the most intricate biscuits, yet they’re still fun, playful and, above all, full of life — just like the people who love them.

The biscuit is: Shortbread melt-in-your-mouth biscuit, also available in chocolate-coated variety.

The biscuit says: Sensible snackers, quietly reliable and strong, but still waters run deep … Scotch Finger aficionados enjoy their biscuits at morning and afternoon tea times with a hot beverage and a cherished friend. A Scotch Finger broken in two and shared is a ritual often performed between a grandparent and grandchild. For this reason, Scotch Finger eaters are often mature in age, very young, or very nostalgic. It’s a wise idea to be friends with a Scotch Finger lover.

Scotch Finger lovers are nostalgic sharers.

Scotch Finger lovers are nostalgic sharers. Source: Supplied
The biscuit is: A round chocolate biscuit topped with mint flavoured cream and coated in dark chocolate, often consumed after dinner

The biscuit says: Mint Slice lovers are mature and discerning in their tastes. Like the dark chocolate and mint combination, they’re a little sensual. The Mint Slice lover is all about quality not quantity, in all aspects of their life. Mint Slice eaters also don’t like to share.

5. MONTE CARLO (1926)
The biscuit is: Two home-style honey and coconut biscuits and a layer of vanilla cream, wrapped in a delicate layer of raspberry jam. Rather than being broken in two and the centre licked like other cream biscuits, the Monte Carlo is generally eaten with all three layers intact.

The biscuit says: Monte Carlo lovers are a sophisticated biscuit eater with their tongue firmly placed in cheek. The Monte Carlo is a family favourite, but seen as premium enough to be served with ‘the good biscuits’ when guests pop in. If you love a Monte Carlo, you’re probably family-oriented; a homebody who loves to play host to your loved ones.

Monte Carlo lovers are homebodies, family orientated and all-round nice people.

Monte Carlo lovers are homebodies, family orientated and all-round nice people. Source: Supplied
6. WAGON WHEEL (1948)
The biscuit is: Two soft biscuits held together with jam and marshmallow and covered with dark chocolate.

The biscuit says: Wagon Wheel eaters are loyal, a little quirky and lots of fun to be around. If you love a Wagon Wheel, chances are you’re older than 20 and still silently recite “Eeet ze Wagon Wheel” before consuming one. You probably also swear that Wagon Wheels have gotten smaller over time — for the record, the same mould is still used to bake the Wagon Wheel, leaving the phenomenon of the “shrinking Wagon Wheel” down to perception as we get older and bigger. If you love this biscuit, you’re probably feeling reeeeeally old by now ... but you’re still fun to be around. We promise.

The biscuit is: A thin plain biscuit made with Arrowroot flour and natural ingredients.

The biscuit says: Arrowroot nibblers are sensible snackers and family people. Love of this biscuit starts at birth — given Arrowroots to chew on while teething, adult Arrowroot lovers grow into reliable and dependable people, and can be counted on to pass the tradition down to their own kids for generations. They’re probably also exceedingly good at saving money.

Good ol’ Milk Arrowroots. Just as reliable and dependable as you are.

Good ol’ Milk Arrowroots. Just as reliable and dependable as you are. Source: Supplied
The biscuit is: Shortbread Cream is a delightful, buttery shortbread biscuit with a creamy vanilla filling. It’s made using an Arnott’s family traditional Scottish shortbread recipe and is eaten throughout the day as an everyday treat for families on the go.

The biscuit says: Hello Dad! Like the Shortbread Cream biscuit, you’re tough on the outside but a softie on the inside. This biscuit is for sharing in fun with the family, so if you’re not a dad, you’re definitely a lover of family time. Shortbread Cream lovers don’t get lured by new fancy varieties or fads - they’re loyal, content people.

The biscuit is: Rolled oats, desiccated coconut and golden syrup, give a distinctive homemade texture perfectly complemented by a luxurious chocolate cream filling.

The biscuit says: Darling, sweetie, you are quite the catch — bubbly and intelligent and an appreciator of the finer things in life. Kingston lovers know quality when they taste it. Don’t be fooled by their size — Kingston’s, like their consumers, have an immediately moreish impact … they’re both easy to become addicted to.

Kingston Creams — clearly the best of the bunch!

Kingston Creams — clearly the best of the bunch! Source: Supplied

10. TINY TEDDY (1990)
The biscuit is: Thumb-sized teddy bear-shaped snacks — Meet them, then eat them. Arnott’s cutest biscuit range comprises six little characters: Happy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Cheeky, Silly and Hungry.

The biscuit says: You’re either a child or a child at heart. Tiny Teddy eaters love to have fun and have all sorts of rituals in their daily routine, as mirrored in how they eat their Teddy’s — does the leg go first, or the head? There are six Tiny Teddy characters, and fans get disappointed when they can’t find them all in a multi-pack — these guys definitely appreciate being able to sample all aspects of life.

11. GINGER NUT (1906)
The biscuit is: Ginger Nuts are a traditional English biscuit and are meant to be hard and crunchy and quite gingery with some ginger heat. Predominantly dunked in a cup of tea, they are also consumed by travellers to help with motion sickness.

The biscuit says: Ginger Nuts are one of Arnott’s most unique products, as there are four slightly different Ginger Nut flavours to suit the tastes of people in different states.

We know for sure that Ginger Nut lovers don’t like change, and get quite upset when their biscuit doesn’t taste as it should. In Queensland, Ginger Nuts are thin and sweet, with a dark colour. In New South Wales they are small, thick and hard, with a light colour. In Victoria and Tasmania, they are bigger, softer and sweeter. While in South and Western Australia, the biscuits look similar to their Victorian cousins, but taste sweeter.
We’ll let you make of that what you will ...

Ginger Nuts are mixed bags all round.

Ginger Nuts are mixed bags all round. Source: Supplied

12. LEMON CRISP (1962)
The biscuit is: Lightly salted cracker biscuit, with a layer of delicious, tangy lemon cream.

The biscuit says: A little sweet and a little tart, the Lemon Crisp is a taste sensation, sprinkled with salt. Discovered later in life, the Lemon Crisp purveyor is one of the few who enjoys their biscuit with wine.

They live in fear that this sweet/savoury discovery will somehow disappear from shelves, and so only share the secret of their favourite nibble with their inner circle ... Somehow being one of a select few who know the versatile joy that is the Lemon Crisp is appealing.

We’re going to go out on a limb and say the Lemon Crip lover is slightly narcissistic, slightly elitist, and slightly secretive.

Source - http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/what-your-biscuit-says-about-you/story-fneuz8zj-1226887692290