Android Wear: Google’s Wearable Smart Devices

Rather than build the physical smartwatch itself, the folks at Google have decided to build software to help power the hardware. The search giant calls this new technology Android Wear.

While it is applicable to more than just watches, the wrist watch will be the first target for the new software. Android Wear allows you to interact with your device in a meaningful way – traffic reports on the way to work, taxi cabs within the local area, weather when you wake up in the morning, and fitness tracking among other things. Of course normal smartphone functions like music player, text messages, email, and the likes will also be controlled through Android Wear devices, all by using either your voice or the touchscreen interface. Google has already revealed that they have teamed up with some of the biggest smartphone makers in the game on the first round of wearables – brands like HTC, Samsung, Motorola, LG and Asus.

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