Etched Leather Artwork by Mark Evans

The artist Mark Evans creates portraits of famous faces, all hand-etched into leather hides. He creates artwork using knives as his ‘paintbrushes’. These leather works of art are incredible and impressively detailed.


Skeletal System Pro III

The Skeletal System Pro III gives users an in depth look at the skeletal system allowing them to cut, zoom & rotate parts of the skeletal system as well as view animations, create notes, share screenshots and more. It is ideal for students, educators and professionals.

watch the video at

Tiny People in a World of Food by William Kass

According to William Kass, food is not just for eating. The author sees in it whole worlds for miniature people to live in.

William Kass’ imagination transforms corn cobs into mountains for climbers to conquer, and orange slices as a perfect place to cool down in a hot summer day. The perfectly chosen background and quality light allow us to see in this photographs almost real events.

Incredible Watermelon Carvings by Clive Cooper

Sparksfly Design studio represented by Clive Cooper has a large specialization in various fields of art and design. Watermelon carving is an exclusive part of them.

The studio has two founders; the second one being Sharon Smith, who is Clive’s wife. Author’s creation deserves some attention. In creating this sculptures he used techniques used in pumpkin carving.
