British Singles Wear Paper Bags to Promote New Dating App

A crowd of single people wearing paper bags on their heads emblazoned with personal facts launch a new mobile dating app in London. (Photos: CFP)

Artist Imitators Thrive in China’s Famous Oil Painting Village

The Dafen Artist Village in Guangdong province, China, is home to thousands of artists who reproduce some of the world’s most iconic paintings as well as create their own works. The village, on the outskirts of Shenzhen, is becoming a major center for original Chinese art. (Photo by Palani Mohan/Getty images)

BooBoo the Guinea Pig

Meet Booboo, the 2-year-old guinea pig. Her hobbies included eating chicory and posing for pictures. Described optimistically as ‘spirited’ by owner Megan, she can generally be found knocking about with her guinea pig crew, Titi and Teddy. But don’t worry, these gangsta guineas are lovers not fighters (didn’t the chicory give you a clue?). In fact, they’re pretty cerebral, often to be found quietly reading a book, or staring contemplatively into the distance next to a sprig of lavender, that kind of thing.

Amazing Architectural Toothpick Sculptures by Bob Morehead

American artist Bob Morehead from the town of Virginia Beach, for more than thirty years has been creating architectural miniatures, using ordinary toothpicks and glue.

On average, the creation of such a structure takes several thousand toothpicks. As for author’s largest project, it is called Toothpick City and it was made out of one hundred thousand toothpicks. Moreover, the creation of the project took more than eight years. Toothpick City is an ongoing project, and Bob Morehead plans to extend it even more.


23 Moments Of Baby Bunny Cuteness That Will Leave You Speechless

One baby bunny is a lot of cuteness to handle. A whole list? Watch yourself. This is dangerously adorable.

8. This very ambitious youngster.

This very ambitious youngster.

17. These two friends committed to cleanliness.

These two friends committed to cleanliness.

23. And this ridiculously cute bowl o' bun.

And this ridiculously cute bowl o' bun.
If you laughed, cried, and felt a little reborn inside, you're not alone. That's just the power of bunnies working upon you.